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Freedom's GM application

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Freedom's GM application Empty Freedom's GM application

Post by Freedom Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:14 pm

1. Have you read and do you understand the Rules & Guidelines posted in our Forums?
2. Please state your Real Name:Lum Jun Hang
3. Please state your IGN:Freedom
4. Please state your Forum name:Freedom
5. Please state your Nick Name or what you would like to be called, if any:Freedom or Jun
6. Have you posted at least ten (10) legitiment posts/topics?
7. How old are you?
8. What is your Time Zone? (GMT -/+ hours)
9. What is your main Language?
10. What other languages, if any, do you use?
=Chinese and Malay
11. How often are you in game:Maybe 2~3 hours on weekdays and maybe 3~4 on weekends
12. Why should you be considered as a GM/GM Intern in HolicMS:Because i like to help people when their in touble and will keep a lookout for hackers in game
13. What made you come to HolicMS?
=I had my own server once but i shut it down due to some connection problem i couldn't fix so i went and looked for a decent server then i found HolicMS
14. What can you do to bring players to HolicMS?
=Since i don't have a blog or anything i guess i could just ask my friends and everyone i know who plays maple to come play HolicMS
15. Have you referred people to HolicMS, if so, who?
=Erm no not yet
16. Have you ever been a GM or GM Intern on another Server?
Freedom's GM application Maple010

Freedom's GM application Maple011

Name of the server is ArchAngelMS
17. Have you ever been a GM or GM Intern on another Server and either been fired or demoted?
=No i have never been fired or demoted as GM from another server since i was the admin of the server
18. Would you ever use the privileges given to you as GM/GM Intern, if chosen, for favors or friends?
=No,It would be against the rules


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-04-24

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